Global Seafood Market

Global Seafood Market

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 11 , Segment 1

Seafood, Unopened Scrolls, Manipulation, Oscars, Proteins

Episode: Seafood, Unopened Scrolls, Manipulation, Oscars, Proteins

  • Feb 23, 2015 10:00 pm
  • 19:02 mins

Guest: Gavin Gibbons, Vice President of Communications for the nonprofit organization National Fisheries Institute  The Christian season of Lent is underway, during which many Catholics abstain from red meat on Fridays and eat fish instead. That has us thinking about the state of the seafood industry. Pollution, warming temperatures and radiation  “The future of seafood and expanded consumption of seafood is going to come from fish farms. It’s not only safe, it’s a smart choice,” says Gibbons.  “People are not being mercury poisoned. That’s sort of an old way of thinking,” says Gibbons. “The benefits outweigh the risks in terms of mercury and in terms of ingesting it.”  “There is no concern in terms of radiation and commercial seafood,” reassures Gibbons, “coming off the coasts of Japan.”