Algorithms to Live By, Life Lessons, Consumer Miles

Algorithms to Live By, Life Lessons, Consumer Miles

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 143

  • Jun 17, 2017 4:00 pm
  • 2:22:08 mins

Algorithms to Live By (17:40) Brian Christian, a co-author of the book, Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Decisions. Every day we are faced with problems which we need to solve by making decisions.  What if all the answers we needed about anything: relationships, job advice, or problems with n-laws were all sitting on your computer?  Although this might seem strange, computers do have a lot to teach us about our decision procedures.  Brian Christian talks about the computer science of decision making. What Has Life Taught You So Far? (1:04:03) Bob Taibbi is a graduate of Rutgers University and the University of South Carolina and has served as adjunct professor at several universities. He provides training nationally and internationally in the areas of couple therapy, family therapy, brief therapy and clinical supervision. He is currently in private practice in Charlottesville, Virginia. Research shows that older people are happier with themselves and their lives when compared to younger people who may be just starting out in life. The reason is that the older people have experienced the good and bad of life and gained experience and knowledge from those situations. Bob Taibbi helps us learn how to identify those learning lessons. Door to Door: The Magnificent, Maddening, Mysterious World of Transportation (1:50:28) Edward Humes is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and the author of DOOR TO DOOR: The Magnificent, Maddening, Mysterious World of Transportation.  He is also the author of, GARBOLOGY: Our Dirty Love Affair With Trash and the collaborative eBook BEYOND THE SNITCH TANK. We all know rush hour traffic can get crazy, and over the years, it seems to have gotten worse. Edward Humes explains how many miles go into getting us our new iPhone and how far a tank of gas in moved before it is used in your car.

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