How Effective is Sign Language Interpreted Performance for Deaf Audiences?
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1189 , Segment 4
Foreign Diplomacy, Electoral College, Detecting Dyslexia
Episode: Foreign Diplomacy, Electoral College, Detecting Dyslexia
- Oct 28, 2019 10:00 pm
- 17:15 mins
Guest: Michael Richardson, PhD, Author of the Study: “Playing Bilingual: Interweaving Deaf and Hearing Cultural Practices to Achieve Equality of Participation in Theatrical Performance Processes” COMPLETE TRANSCIPT FOR THIS INTERVIEW IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE Attendance at live theater performances by deaf people is low. And for good reason. The costumes, makeup, set, and lights, are all part of the full sensory experience of theater. But that’s lost on those who have to watch an interpreter off to the side the entire time. Is it possible for a deaf person to have an equal theater experience as someone who isn’t deaf?