Overcoming Trials, Fall Cozy Time, Haunted Houses, Supporting Veterans, Strangers' SpaghettiO's

Overcoming Trials, Fall Cozy Time, Haunted Houses, Supporting Veterans, Strangers' SpaghettiO's

The Lisa Show

  • Oct 19, 2020 12:00 pm
  • 1:45:40 mins
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Empowerment and Overcoming Trials (0:00:00) We all go through hardships in life that we don’t plan for. During these trials, it can be hard to find a way out of the grief and remind ourselves of our purpose. Here to talk to us today is Erica Holmes, an author, life coach, and host of Empower Me. Erica took her own personal experience with trauma and turn edit into her life’s mission by helping others find their purpose. We are excited to hear what she can share with us about what empowerment can look like in each of our lives. Fall Cozy Time (0:34:33) The leaves are turning, the air’s getting a little bit crisper, and inside our houses it’s getting a lot more cozy. The temperature has recently dropped below 60 degrees which means out come the blankets and sweaters and tea mugs—it’s officially Fall! And one of the best parts about Fall is the comfort and coziness that come along with it. There’s just something about cuddling up under a blanket with a good book that I look forward to all year long. Here to talk to us about her favorite ways to dive into Fall-cozy time and how we can do it too is friend of the show, Carrie Ann Rhodes. Haunted Houses in COVID (0:52:50) While I know it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, there’s something awesome about screaming your lungs out at a haunted house. Haunted houses are of course, a time-honored tradition. But with how things have been this year, we can’t down a chance to scream my head off without people thinking I’ve lost it. But, we also want to be sure that we’re only catching boos and not achoo’s. So, how can we go to haunted houses safely? Here to share their advice with us are the experts on haunted houses, Nora and Tyler Proffet, owners of the popular haunted house guide The Scare Factor. Supporting Veterans (1:08:38) Army strong—we’ve all heard the slogan. It’s the slogan of those who have dedicated our lives to supporting us and protecting our freedoms. However, many of our returned soldiers face a less than smooth transition when they return home. Our veteran population is at risk for homelessness, PTSD, and mental illness among other things. The good news is, there are things we can do to help. Here to discuss how we can be strong for the army and meaningfully support our veterans is Director of VA Northern California Health Care System , David Stockwell. Spaghetti-O’s from Strangers (1:28:27) Oftentimes, and especially over this last year, we focus on the negative aspects of humanity. Many of these difficult conversations are important and necessary, but sometimes we forget that talking about the good in the world is equally imperative to our growth. Well today, we are very excited to hear the story that has swept across the country about a young girl with autism whose favorite food of SpaghettiOs with Meatballs was difficult to find on grocery-store shelves, and received over 700 cans on her doorstep from strangers to ensure she would never run out. We’re speaking to her mother, Crystal MacDonald about the experience .