Role Reversal
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 785
- Aug 1, 2018 6:00 am
- 53:55 mins
Stories about people switching places. First Day of School by Dolores Hydock (2:07) Dolores’ first day of school is just like her elderly mother’s first day at the senior center. Learn more about Dolores Hydock by visiting: Why Kids Sing to Their Parents by Bill Harley (11:55) In the town around the bend, the kids tuck their parents into bed and sing them songs. Learn more about Bill Harley by visiting: The Well at the End of the World by Adam Booth (22:52) An evil stepmother sends her good stepdaughter to the well at the end of the world, hoping to get rid of her, but she inadvertently sends her on a journey that leads her to find the well at the end of the world. Learn more about Adam Booth by visiting: