The Smart Grid
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 176 , Segment 4
Cheatgrass, Marriage and Health, Smart Grids, Digital Education
Episode: Cheatgrass, Marriage and Health, Smart Grids, Digital Education
- Nov 10, 2015 10:00 pm
- 18:40 mins
Guest: Steven Low, PhD, Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at the California Institute of Technology When we talk about energy efficiency and the push toward relying on more renewal sources, there’s a parallel effort you may be less familiar with. It’s the work of bringing our electricity system into the new digital age. Do you realize the “grid” that links a power plant to the light switches in your home is fundamentally decades-old? And that while you may use an app on your smartphone to control the thermostat in your house, many power companies still have to send an actual person to read the meter and see how much electricity you used last month? A “Smart Grid” is what experts call a future where our electric utility system has been computerized with sensors and chips.