Surgeon and Suffragette Wins Congressional Medal of Honor

Surgeon and Suffragette Wins Congressional Medal of Honor

Constant Wonder - Season 2022, Episode 626

  • Aug 25, 2020 6:00 am
  • 52:45 mins
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Medal of Honor Guest: Theresa Kaminski, author, “Dr. Mary Walker’s Civil War: One Woman’s Journey to the Medal of Honor and the Fight for Women’s Rights” Only one woman in history has been awarded the medal of honor, and it wasn’t a recent event. Mary Walker was a Civil War doctor, Union spy, suffragette, and proud wearer of pants. Fighting for Space Guest: Amy Shira Teitel, author, "Fighting for Space: Two Pilots and Their Historic Battle for Female Spaceflight" Jackie Cochran and Jerrie Cobb, two record-holding women pilots, fought each other and the male-dominated NASA for the right to travel into space in the 1950s. They never left Earth, but the female astronauts who followed them reaped the rewards of their struggle.