Asians, Harvard and Affirmative Action

Asians, Harvard and Affirmative Action

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 915 , Segment 2

Heartland, Affirmative Action

Episode: Heartland, Affirmative Action

  • Oct 5, 2018 2:55 pm
  • 52:09 mins

Guest: Lee Cheng, Attorney, Private Practice. Fred Gedicks, Professor, BYU Law School You may have heard there’s a high profile lawsuit going to trial soon over Harvard’s admissions policies. A group of Asian Americans claims that Harvard’s use of race as one criteria in admitting students, discriminates against them. But aren’t affirmative action policies supposed to help minority students get access to elite schools? After all, these policies came about because of the Civil Rights Movement and many organizations representing people of color still fervently support affirmative action.