Dec 1-25, enjoy an "audio advent calendar," with a new "door" to open every day, inspired by Nature’s miraculous phenomena
Advent from Constant Wonder
Enjoy an audio advent calendar with a short episode for every day from December 1st through Christmas. Each episode invites thoughtful reflection on the season, inspired by nature’s miraculous phenomena (from a turtle hibernating through the cold of winter to tree sap that solidifies into frankincense) as well as music and art traditionally connected with the biblical story of the Nativity. Advent is a series from the Constant Wonder podcast, produced by BYUradio.

show host
Tennery Taylor
Tennery Taylor is an on-air host and producer of Constant Wonder. She is also heard on A Moment To Reflect.

show host
Eric Schulzke
Eric Schulzke is an on-air host and producer of Constant Wonder.

show host
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith is the host of Constant Wonder. He holds a master’s degree in German literature from BYU and has worked as a writer, editor, translator, teacher, and composer of sacred music.