Improving Government Response to Disaster

Improving Government Response to Disaster

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 643 , Segment 1

Disasters, Weapons of Math Destruction, Love Letter to America

Episode: Disasters, Weapons of Math Destruction, Love Letter to America

  • Sep 20, 2017 11:00 pm
  • 20:02 mins

Guest: Holly Leicht, New York’s Empire State Development, former HUD official overseeing Hurricane Sandy recovery It’s been a devastating month of natural disasters across Mexico, the Southern US and the Caribbean. Thousands of people from Florida to Texas are now in the early stages of what will be a long process navigating government bureaucracy as they attempt to rebuild their homes and lives. Holly Leicht had a front-row seat to the highs and lows of the government's response during Hurricane Sandy, while leading the federal recovery effort in New York and New Jersey. She's compiled a list of what works and what doesn't.  Read her report here.