Big Cities Can’t Have Big Farms –Unless They Go Vertical in Office Buildings

Big Cities Can’t Have Big Farms –Unless They Go Vertical in Office Buildings

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1743 , Segment 2

Chimera Embryos, Voice-Profiling Problems, Stressed into Middle Age

Episode: Chimera Embryos, Voice-Profiling Problems, Stressed into Middle Age

  • Dec 1, 2021 9:00 pm
  • 15:18 mins

Most of the food we eat in the US is grown somewhere many miles from where we live. Big cities have to bring food in on trucks because there’s just not enough open space to farm the number of food people in those cities needs. But there’s a solution some crowded cities in Asia are experimenting with where food is grown inside high-rise buildings. It’s called vertical farming, and Columbia University emeritus ecology professor Dickson Despommier is an advocate for it to happen on a larger scale in the US. (Segment produced by Hayden Reeve)