The Wonderling by Mira Bartók

The Wonderling by Mira Bartók

Worlds Awaiting - Season 3, Episode 9

  • Mar 3, 2018 7:00 am
  • 29:00 mins
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The Wonderling (3:59) We use the phrase “Achilles Heel” to describe a vulnerability. But what if that supposed weakness isn’t a weakness at all, but the key to a person’s success. For example, Richard Branson, self-made billionaire and founder of multiple companies, used his own weakness – dyslexia – to develop one of his greatest strengths – communication and delegation. Author and Illustrator Mira Bartók talks to Rachel today on Worlds Awaiting about The Wonderling, her first novel for young readers, that focuses on Arthur, a shy, fox-like foundling with only one ear who recognizes he has incredible hearing which leads to his having amazing music abilities. Mira Bartók is author of the award-winning The Memory Place: A Memoir, which won the 2011 National Book Critics Circle Award for Autobiography. She’s written and illustrated numerous non-fiction titles for children and has also edited and translated several picture books in Italian, Norwegian, and Sámi (Lapp). The Wonderling i...

Episode Segments

The Wonderling

Mar 3, 2018
17 m

We use the phrase “Achilles Heel” to describe a vulnerability. But what if that supposed weakness isn’t a weakness at all, but the key to a person’s success. For example, Richard Branson, self-made billionaire and founder of multiple companies, used his own weakness – dyslexia – to develop one of his greatest strengths – communication and delegation. Author and Illustrator Mira Bartók talks to Rachel today on Worlds Awaiting about The Wonderling, her first novel for young readers, that focuses on Arthur, a shy, fox-like foundling with only one ear who recognizes he has incredible hearing which leads to his having amazing music abilities. Mira Bartók is author of the award-winning The Memory Place: A Memoir, which won the 2011 National Book Critics Circle Award for Autobiography

We use the phrase “Achilles Heel” to describe a vulnerability. But what if that supposed weakness isn’t a weakness at all, but the key to a person’s success. For example, Richard Branson, self-made billionaire and founder of multiple companies, used his own weakness – dyslexia – to develop one of his greatest strengths – communication and delegation. Author and Illustrator Mira Bartók talks to Rachel today on Worlds Awaiting about The Wonderling, her first novel for young readers, that focuses on Arthur, a shy, fox-like foundling with only one ear who recognizes he has incredible hearing which leads to his having amazing music abilities. Mira Bartók is author of the award-winning The Memory Place: A Memoir, which won the 2011 National Book Critics Circle Award for Autobiography