The Minecraft Server for Autistic Children
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 757 , Segment 6
Mass Shootings, Kelsey Nixon, Minecraft for Autistic Kids
Episode: Mass Shootings, Kelsey Nixon, Minecraft for Autistic Kids
- Feb 28, 2018
- 15:53 mins
Guest: Stuart Duncan, Creator, Autcraft Kids and tweens love Minecraft, a video game where players can build endless worlds with virtual building blocks. It’s a little like LEGOs, only creations are made out of pixels instead of plastic. You can build glass houses cantilevered over a river, light your house with torches, build furniture, keep animals, and mine for resources. But Stuart Duncan has found that for kids like his son, who has autism, Minecraft can also teach empathy and even encourage conversation and literacy. Mr. Duncan, who himself has autism, has created an entire Minecraft world just for kids with autism, called Autcraft, and it’s been so popular that he now manages it full-time.