- Apr 28, 2015 6:00 am
- 55:14 mins
Stories included in this episode: Fran Yardley Story: The Sears Roebuck Baby Teller: Fran Yardley Site: creativehealingconnections.org Notes: There's never a better time to be born than now. Donna Ingham Story: The Babe of the Alamo Teller: Donna Ingham Site: www.donnaingham.com Notes: This little babe rubs elbows with some of the toughest folks in the West. Kathy Collins Story: Momotaro Teller: Kathy Collins Site: www.talkstoryradio.com/tellerindex Notes: This baby born from a peach is known around the globe. Joel Ben Izzy Story: A Tale From Jerusalem & Tokyo Teller: Joel Ben Izzy Site: www.storypage.com Notes: A King Solomon tale with an inimitable Joel Ben Izzy twist.