Beware the Ides
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 716
- Mar 15, 2018 6:00 am
- 58:19 mins
The Ancient Romans didn’t mark out their calendar months quite the same way we do now and instead they referred to certain time periods by certain names. They had the Nones which usually meant the 5th or the 7th of the month, the Kalends which was the first day of the following month and there were the “ides”. The “ides” were the expression used to describe the middle of the month which sometimes fell on the 15th and has since turned into an exciting an ominous date thanks to Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. On this episode of the Apple Seed we're bringing you stories and conversations about the Ides of March. The Fly by Simon Brooks (1:27) A young boy uses a fly as a witness when a debtcollector promises that he has come to forgive the debt of the boy's parents. Learn more about Simon Brooks by visiting: www.diamondscree.com The Ides Conversation (15:40) A conversation about the Ides of March with The Acting Company, featuring segments of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Learn more about The Acting Company by visiting: www.tacactingcompany.org Connie Dances by Geraldine Buckley (38:29) Geraldine gets a position as a creative minister and meets an incredible dancer to whom she lends a really fancy designer dress from Geraldine's mother to perform in. She feels like she should give that dress to Connie but she justifies keeping it and doesn’t end up giving it to her. The feeling that she should have given Connie that dress gnaws at her years following that experience. Learn more about Geraldine Buckley by visiting: www.geraldinebuckley.com