Life on Venus, Improving Flexibility, Sibling Rivalries, Home Self-Care, Weekend Review
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 570
- Oct 16, 2020 6:00 am
- 1:46:37 mins
Life on Venus (0:00:00) A rare molecule has been found in the planet Venus called phosphine. The discovery of phosphine on Venus has led scientists to believe that there could be life on the planet. For a very long time, Mars was considered to be the planet where we’d first discover life, but now Venus may have taken its place. Here with us today to is Dr. William Bains, a member of the team that discovered phosphine on Venus, to help us better understand the significance of finding the rare molecule. Improving Flexibility (0:17:48) When we watch incredible gymnasts and athletes compete, it’s easy to sit back and think “They’re so flexible. I wish I was born with that.” Well, lucky for you, flexibility isn’t necessarily an inherited trait. You can train your body to be flexible. It just takes time and practice. So, how do we get started? Joining us this morning is Mike Taylor, the co-founder of Strala Yoga, here with us to share his tips on how to bend your flexibility to the level you want it to be at. Ending Sibling Rivalry (0:35:12) As I’m sure every parent who has had 2+ kids knows, sibling rivalries are inevitable. Maybe the fight is about who’s better at soccer, or who drew the best picture, or even who gets to play with what toy—either way, fights are going to happen. And when they do, it’s important that parents know how to handle them appropriately. As parents, we’re not going to be around to referee every one of our kid’s fights. That’s why having the right tools to handle sibling rivalries matters. Here to discuss these tools and what parents should know about handling sibling rivalries is the founder of Positive Parenting Solutions and author of the best-selling parenting book, “ If I Have to Tell You ONE MORE TIME ”, Amy McCready! Self-Care at Home (0:52:49) When we talk about self-care, people tend to think “spa-day”. They tell themselves they need a massage, expensive facials, or a full-on “retreat”. While these things definitely fall under the category of self-care in our book, they’re on t