HIGH Fitness, Is Dance for Boys?, Embracing Your Problems, Love and Money, Savoring Your Time, Holidays with Your Spouse

HIGH Fitness, Is Dance for Boys?, Embracing Your Problems, Love and Money, Savoring Your Time, Holidays with Your Spouse

The Lisa Show

  • Sep 25, 2019 2:00 pm
  • 1:41:00 mins
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HIGH Fitness (0:00:00) I feel like just about everyone is trying to be healthier, in one way or another. Some want to lose some weight, others want to gain muscle, and others just want to find a way to get off of the couch for a while. What can make it hard is when tradition ways to exercise, like running or lifting weights, don’t really appeal to us. So what can we do? In honor of National Women’s Health and Fitness Day, we’re joined by Emily Nelson, co-founder of HIGH Fitness, to talk to us about some new ways to get active. Is Dance for Boys? (0:15:20) Earlier this month, Lara Spencer, a host on Good Morning America, laughed at the idea of the UK's Prince George's wanting to study ballet. While she has since apologized, the comment started a discussion on stereotypes of boys who love to dance. Young boys are often bullied for participating in ballet, because it is seen as something only girls do. Some boys even feel like their parents don’t support them in dance for that same reason! Scott Gormley, director and producer of Danseur documentary about boys who dance, joins us to share how parents can help support their sons in dance. Embracing Your Problems (0:33:42) Putting off your problems? Or worse, denying that they even exist? Dr. Emeka Anyiam, therapist and author of Embracing Life, says, “A person’s inability to accept their circumstances is the number one problem that stands in the way of living the life they want.” Dr. Anyiam joins us to discuss how we can feel happier amidst our struggles. Love and Money (0:50:22) We all love money, don’t pretend you don’t, but there’s nothing worse than talking about it--especially in a relationship. Whether it’s figuring out who should pay on thefirst date or working out how to combine finances in a marriage, money can cause tension, frustration, and stress. Here to help us navigate the treacherous landscape of love and money is Nicole Middendorf, wealth advisor and author of "Who Pays? Navigating Love and Money." Savoring Your Time (1:05:21) Surveys have shown that families spend only 37 minutes together per day. We always look back on years-worth of time and wonder where it all went. So, how can we try to spendmore time with our families, and savor every moment with our kids and by ourselves? Julie Morgenstern is the New York Times best selling author of "Time to Parent: Organizing Your Life to Bring Out the Best in Your Child and You." With all the research shedid for this book and her wok as an organization and productivity expert, we thought she’d be the perfect person to talk to about this. Holidays with Your Spouse (1:25:34) The holiday season can be the happiest time of year butcan also cause some conflict. Since spending time with family is what the holidays are all about, deciding which family to visit for the holidays can be an unnecessary tug of warfor you and your spouse. Finding a solution to this problem will help everyone enjoy their holidays whether together or not. Brian Willoughby is an associate professor in the department of Family life at Brigham Young University. He’s with us to give us some ideas on what we can do when you are unsure which family to spend the holidays with.