Teenage Perfectionists, When to Stop Therapy, School Masks, Beginners Fishing, You're Enough, Purpose and Pajamas

Teenage Perfectionists, When to Stop Therapy, School Masks, Beginners Fishing, You're Enough, Purpose and Pajamas

The Lisa Show

  • Aug 3, 2020 12:00 pm
  • 1:45:33 mins
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Helping a Teenage Perfectionist (0:00:00) As parents, we want our kids to do the best they can so they can succeed and have a sense of satisfaction in their work. But when they start pulling their hair out over getting a 99% on a school test instead of a 100%,they might just have an A+ in perfectionism, which isn’t something to strive for. So how can we differentiate between a growth mindset and perfectionism, and what can we do to help our children out? Joining us today is Dr. Azmaira Maker, a licensed clinical psychologist based out of San Diego, here with us to talk about how to help your teenage perfectionist. When to Stop Therapy (0:23:55) Knowing when to end a relationship is tricky. How can you determine when a relationship has stopped being beneficial to either party? And how can you tell someone you no longer need or want what they have to offer? This is especially true regarding your relationship with your therapist. Once your therapy has stopped being effective or the problem has been solved, then it’s time to end the relationship and move on. Here to help us understand when it’s time to end therapy and how to “break-up” with your therapist isa clinical psychologist and certified couple therapist Dr. Josh Gressel. Back to School Masks (0:37:51) Back-to-school is an often chaotic and always crazy marker of a new school year. Filled with end of summer blues, last of the season bbq’s, and miles long shopping lists for clothes, books, and school supplies. However, this year there’s another item for our back-to-school shopping lists that’s never before made an appearance—face masks. And while we’ve all had the summer to practice our best face-mask wearing habits, school comes with its own set of variables to consider. Here to discuss all things facemasks and how to get your kids on board with them is friend of the show, Carrie Ann Rhodes. Beginners Fishing (0:52:46) I don’t need to remind you that this summer isn’t turning out the way we planned it. And while we’re still trying to be safe—it’s still summer! We want to get outside, have fun and relax. But with this new normal we’re living in, the things that we might have done last summer aren’t safe to do this summer. So why not try something new? Across the country, more and more Americans are turning to fishing to get outdoors safely! Here to tell us what we need to know before fishing for the first time is Stephanie Vatalaro, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications at the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation. You are More Than Enough (1:10:45) This pandemic and quarantine have made us feel vulnerable, powerless, and simply like we’re not enough. For most of us life just isn’t ideal, and nothing seems to be going well. Maybe you lost a job or a loved one. Maybe you struggled to homeschool your kids when schools shut down or had a hard time balancing work and family life in the same place. Whatever you are dealing with, you’re not alone. And as our next guest says, you are still enough.  Ganel-Lyn Condie is a motivational speaker who works to help people find joy in their lives. She joins us today to discuss how we can truly see ourselves as more than enough. Purpose, Passion, and Pajamas (1:28:57) “Pajama Project” is the highest rerun Oprah segment of all time, and it features a non-profit that gives pajamas and books to struggling children in the U.S. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s sure to make you cry or feel more inspired.  Well today, we have the founder of the Pajama Program, Genevieve Piturro, on the show today. She joins us to discuss her life mission and give advice on how we can transform our own lives by finding more meaning and human connection. She’s the author of the book Purpose, Passion and Pajamas being released tomorrow.