Christmas Stories
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 84
- Dec 24, 2013 7:00 am
- 52:49 mins
In honor of Christmas Eve, our eighty-second episode features Christmas stories told by Kim Weitkamp, Regi Carpenter, Donald Davis and Jay O'Callahan. Storyteller, Kim Weitkamp Story 1: The Great Cookie Cook-Off Teller: Kim Weitkamp Site: Notes: Kim is a full-time storyteller who travels extensively across the North American continent, performing in theaters and at festivals. Regi Carpenter Story 2: Bendable Barbie Christmasl Teller: Regi Carpenter Site: Notes: Regi is a storyteller from Clayton, New York. She has performed at many different festivals across the United States. Story 3: The Red Scooters Teller: Donald Davis Site: Notes: Some people refer to Donald as "The Dean of Storytelling." He is a former Chairperson of the Board of Directors for the National Storytelling Association, he was a featured teller at the Smithsonian Institution, and at the World's Fair. Story 4: 13 Quilts Teller: Jay O'Callahan Site: Notes: Jay is a storyteller from Massachusetts. He runs a writing workshop out of his home.