The Resolution Project, Flexibility, Small Business Taxes, Smartphone Fixes, Sunscreen, Phantom Traffic, Being Defensive

The Resolution Project, Flexibility, Small Business Taxes, Smartphone Fixes, Sunscreen, Phantom Traffic, Being Defensive

The Lisa Show

  • Jun 23, 2020 12:00 pm
  • 1:45:36 mins
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The Resolution Project (0:00:00) Have you ever heard the phrase “the youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow”? What if those youth were the leaders of today? According to the Resolution Project, a non-profit that specializes in providing meaningful opportunities to young adult leaders and entrepreneurs, it’s a better idea than some might think. So what does this sort of youth empowerment look like? Joining us on the show today is George Tsiatis, the CEO and co-founder of the Resolution Project, here with us to discuss the impact of today’s young leaders and how you can get involved. Choosing Flexibility over Frustration (0:17:21) We’ve all heard the phrase “happiness is a choice”, but unfortunately that decision isn’t as simple as turning on the ‘happy switch’ in our brain. It takes a lot of effort to do the right things that we know bring joy in our life when things, or people, are getting in our way. We need to choose a happy lifestyle while at the same time waiting in line at the DMV, paying for car our teenager rear ended, or realizing we’re never going to make that deadline. So, how can we maintain happiness when we’re getting frustrated? The choice we need to make is to be flexible. Or at least that’s the advice from friend of the show, Michelle McCullough. She’s a businesswoman, speaker, and author of her most recent book “The Happyist”. Small Businesses and Taxes (0:28:20) While it can be rewarding to see your own business flourish, the financial side of it can be daunting. Survey says that the three most confusing business tasks are filing business taxes, determining business tax write-offs, and bookkeeping. Today we are joined by Block Advisors’ master tax advisor Ramon Vasquez. He is going to share tips to reduce some of the stress and confusion associated with filing taxes for your own business. Quick Smartphone Fixes (0:38:46) Does this situation sound familiar? You’re running around your house trying to get stuff done, and your phone slips out of your hand and lands face down onto the tile floor. As you bend down to pick it up, you say a million little prayers hoping your screen isn’t cracked. And then of course, your phone, despite the thousands of other times you’ve dropped it, is shattered. You now have two options—drop 200 dollars on a new screen or deal with looking at text messages through what’s left of your phone. We’ve all done it. Those smartphones are slippery things. But is there another way to fix your phone other than going to the apple store or your service provider? Burton Kelso, chief tech expert at Integral and friend of the show, is here to tell us about our third option—fixing it ourselves. Sunscreen A to Zinc (0:52:47) According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, more people are diagnosed with skin cancer in the U.S. than all other cancers combined, and one in five Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70. With such a high likelihood of developing skin cancer, it’s important that we take measures to prevent it. One of the most obvious ways, as we all know, is to wear sunscreen, and today we have dermatologist Dr. Cynthia Bailey on the show to tell us everything we need to know about using the right sunscreens, as well as give us other ways to protect our skin. Phantom Traffic (1:08:13) Have you ever been driving on the freeway and had to slam on your brakes? Sometimes it’s even worse and you have to come to a complete before moving forward a couple yards... only to have to stop again immediately! Driving in traffic can be stressful and frustrating, especially when we encounter backups that don’t seem to have a cause. Stop-and-go traffic is the bane of every commuter and oftentimes seems inevitable during rush hour. But is it inevitable? Is there anything a driver can do today to minimize stop-and-go traffic? Here to shine some light on the subject is Dr. Benjamin Seibold. Dr. Seibold directs the Center for Computational Mathematics and Modeling at Temple University, where his studies in applied mathematics focus on traffic flow, among other things. How to Stop Being Defensive (1:28:01) As humans we are social creatures. Even in the corona-days while we are social distancing, we still have to communicate and collaborate with our families, friends, and coworkers. But working together with others is easier said than done, especially when they disagree with us. In fact, when someone shares an opposing view, it’s easy to get defensive rather than listen to what they have to say. But defensiveness is one of the biggest roadblocks to successful collaboration according to our next guest, Jim Tamm. Jim, author of “Radical Collaboration,” has spent 25 years helping people settle arguments. We thought he’d be the perfect person to talk to about how to overcome our defensiveness.