Combatting Ageism in the Job Search

Combatting Ageism in the Job Search

The Lisa Show

Rethinking Age and Mesa Verde National Park

Episode: Rethinking Age and Mesa Verde National Park

  • Sep 16, 2021 12:00 pm
  • 16:36 mins

If you’re looking for a job when other people might be in the middle of their careers, that’s okay! There are so many reasons that someone might on the job hunt –but in every case, you deserve to be valued for your work, and NOT your age. The reality is, however, that ageism is rampant in the hiring process. Employers can tend to overlook experience and choose younger candidates over older ones. So how do you overcome ageism as you search for your next job? Here to tell us is Lisa Downs. She's a career coach that specializes in helping professionals age 40+ and knows exactly how to be valued for WHO you are, not just how old you are.