How a Book Becomes a Movie, Household Responsibilities, Helping Others Manage their Anger, Wait Until 8th, Discrimination and Self-Esteem, Cansgiving

How a Book Becomes a Movie, Household Responsibilities, Helping Others Manage their Anger, Wait Until 8th, Discrimination and Self-Esteem, Cansgiving

The Lisa Show

  • Nov 12, 2019 3:00 pm
  • 1:41:06 mins
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How a Book Becomes a Movie (0:00:00) Are you among the elite class of people who always read the book before the movie comes out? How many times have you criticized a movie by saying “it was okay, but have you read the book”? Do you get that rush of excitement when you find out they are making a favorite novel of yours into a movie? Books adaptations seem to be a hot topic in Hollywood. We are joined by award winning producer and director Lane Shefter Bishop who has also been dubbed “The Book Whisperer.” Household Responsibilities (0:16:42) Lisa and Richie chat about how they divvy up chores in their own homes and what they’ve seen work during different stages of their lives. Helping Others Manage their Anger (0:31:11) “Calm down,” “You’re overreacting!” and “It’s not that big of a deal”—all are phrases we hate to hear when we’re angry, yet all are phrases we’ve told someone else at least once in our lives. If these words are so aggravating, why do we say them? What else could we say instead to help someone calm down? Conflict resolution expert, Emily Taylor, joins us to give us the words and tools we need to help others manage their anger.  Wait Until 8th (0:50:32) It seems crazy to me that you can find kids today as young as eight years old tapping away on their very own iPhones. Your own kids might even be begging you for a smart phone. And after all the crying and the pouting and the “but all my friends have one!”, maybe part of you starts to think… What’s the harm? Here to encourage us to stay strong and to hold off on that first smartphone purchase is Brooke Shannon, founder and executive director of Wait Until 8th. Discrimination and Self-Esteem (1:06:01) According to a new survey, three out of five adults in the U.S. have experienced or witnessed discrimination at work in the form of racism, sexism, or ageism. Tiriq Callaway, who holds a Master’s Degree in Social Work, says, “When society continues to send the message that you are ‘less than’ because of the color of your skin, your gender or your age, you might begin to believe it yourself, and when you shun who you are, you stop your life?in its tracks.” So what can we do to prevent this? According to Tiriq, “learning to self-love is the key.” We’ve invited him on to explain further. Cansgiving (1:24:53) Thanksgiving is a time when families gather around the table to enjoy a large feast, but not everyone is lucky enough to do the same. Hundreds of thousands of people this year will spend Thanksgiving wondering if they’ll even get to eat at all. In honor of the season, Libby’s Fruits and Vegetablesis proud to support Feeding America local food banks, the largest domestic hunger-relief organization. This year, they’ve created a fun competition called “Cansgiving” to provide people the opportunity to help give back this Thanksgiving. Here to tell us more about this sweepstakes is Vanessa Lachey. Vanessa is a television personality, host and actress.