

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 292 , Segment 1

Diwali, Joy Seeker, Family Dinners, Wildfire Trauma, Housing Trend in Growing America, Weekend Review

Episode: Diwali, Joy Seeker, Family Dinners, Wildfire Trauma, Housing Trend in Growing America, Weekend Review

  • Nov 1, 2019 2:00 pm
  • 15:35 mins

What do you know about Diwali? This holiday is celebrated in many countries around the world and is one of the largest and most significant religious observances today. Not only is it celebrated by Hindus, but many other religious and peoples as well. We want to understand more about this delightful and festive holiday. Here to help us is Neeta Bhasin, the president and CEO of ASB Communications, and a Diwali event organizer for Times Square.