STEM Education
Worlds Awaiting - Season 2, Episode 38 , Segment 1
STEM Education, World of a School Librarian
Episode: STEM Education, World of a School Librarian
- Nov 4, 2017 6:00 pm
- 9:01 mins
On Worlds Awaiting we often talk about reading and writing, but what about the third “R” - 'rithmetic. Arithmetic is, of course, an essential foundation stone for all of science, and by all rights, should be included in a broad view of literacy for children. Our first guest, BYU Electrical Engineering Professor Aaron Hawkins, talks with Rachel about the growing field of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math – the STEM subjects. Hawkins emphasizes the importance of STEM Education in children’s preparation for future professional careers. He’s director of Brigham Young University’s Integrated Microfabrication Laboratory. Dr. Hawkins is also one of the founders of IMMERSE, an undergraduate research program at BYU that provides college students with the opportunity to do community outreach and education. The flagship outreach activity of IMMERSE is Chip Camp, which brings 7th and 8th grade students onto the BYU campus for a 3-day camp focused on engineering.