Public Transit, Anger Management, Etiquette

Public Transit, Anger Management, Etiquette

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 21

  • Jan 25, 2017 5:00 pm
  • 2:21:32 mins

The End of Public Transit (17:48) Dr. Matthew D. Mitchell is a Senior Research Fellow and Director of the Project for the Study of American Capitalism at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He is also a professor of economics. In his writing and research, he specializes in public choice economics and the economics of government favoritism toward particular businesses, industries, and occupations. Ride sharing programs such as Uber and Lyft are seemingly undermining public bus and transportation services in timeliness, flexibleness, and reasonable prices.  Should our government give more public services to the private sector? Dr. Mitchell discusses whether the private sector provide a better option for public transportation. How to Manage Anger (1:02:11) Dr. Ryan Martin is an anger researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay.  He is a Professor and the current Chairperson of the Psychology Department. A lot of Americans said they’d be angry regardless of who won the 2016 presidential election. With Donald Trump now the 45th President of the United States, most people are accepting reality and either championing or opposing his policies and ideology. The emotional election cycle had many expressing anger, with seemingly no control of their emotions. Dr. Ryan Martin shares his research into anger and how to manage it. Liana Tan - No One's Looking (1:28:36) What are the things you do when no one is looking? When people are watching we are usually on our best behavior but when we are by are selves our behavior may change and what does that say about who we really are? Producer Liana Tan explains why we do what we do when no one is looking. Importance of Etiquette (1:50:21) Cynthia R. Grosso is a national etiquette expert, an award winning speaker, columnist, and author. She is the founder of the Charleston School of Protocol and Etiquette and the host of Your Manners Matter syndicated radio show. In a world of changing values and mixed opinions, we often forget some of the most basic and fundamental parts of our culture- manners. Sometimes it’s hard to know what the polite and proper thing to do is anymore. But national etiquette expert, Cynthia Grosso, says, “Your manners and etiquette are not just actions… they are an attitude that is closely related to your self-confidence, your position in business and personal life, as well as your ability to build successful relationships, teams, and organizations.” Cynthia Grosso share with us a time when things were simpler and remind us what our mothers taught us.