America's Brexit, Middle East, Educating Child Brides
- Nov 10, 2016 7:00 am
- 1:41:55 mins
America Trumps UK Brexit Vote Guest: David Kirkham, PhD, Academic Director of the BYU London Center, Senior Fellow at the International Center for Law and Religion Studies at the BYU Law School America’s Brexit. That’s what some are calling Donald Trump’s presidential victory and, while campaigning, Trump himself promised to deliver “Brexit times five." The parallels are clear: A swelling of public support for a side that the pundits and pollsters thought couldn’t possibly succeed; those same pollster and political elites left scratching their heads in shock the morning after the election. Trump supporters and Brexit supporters also share some of the same sentiments about issues. "Fearful Odds" and the Hidden Toll of PTSD Guest: Chuck Newhall, Vietnam Veteran, Author of "Fearful Odds: A Memoir of Vietnam and Its Aftermath" Doctors during the Civil War era called PTSD “soldier’s heart” or “nostalgia.” By World War I, it was referred to as “shell shock.” Soldiers back from Vietnam were the first combat veterans to get the official diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. More than 20-percent of veterans returning from combat in Iraq and Afghanistan are estimated to have mental health conditions including PTSD, anxiety disorder or depression. Why Kids Graffiti Guest: Lynne Vieraitis, PhD, Head of Criminology Program, University of Texas, Dallas Graffiti is an expensive and perplexing problem for cities. Billions of dollars go into scrubbing it clean every year, only to see more spray-painted “tags,” as they’re called, pop up. The taggers rarely get caught and strategies to make them stop are hard to come by. In Denver, there are designated areas where people have permission to do graffiti. It remains to be seen whether that actually stops people from tagging other walls, overpasses and buses. Middle East Under President Trump Guest: Steven Lobell, PhD, Political Science Professor, University of Utah; John Macfarlane, Adjunct Professor of Political Science, UVU; Fred Axelgard, PhD, Senior Fellow at B