Coping With Seasonal Depression

Coping With Seasonal Depression

The Lisa Show

Staying Social, Tummy Time, Seasonal Depression, Diet Soda, Mini Book Club, Dry Hair in Winter

Episode: Staying Social, Tummy Time, Seasonal Depression, Diet Soda, Mini Book Club, Dry Hair in Winter

  • Jan 23, 2020 1:00 pm
  • 16:53 mins

We’ve now reached the time of year where we question if the holidays ever really happened, and the beautiful Christmas snow is brown and sloshy. To top it off, the car heater just can’t seem to blow warm air until the last 30 seconds of our drive when we are already pulling into work. Not to be totally negative, but January is tough! I think we all experience a little bit of winter blues at some point, some more than others. In fact, approximately half a million people in the United States suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, more commonly known as Seasonal Depression. So what can we do to feel better when our winter days seem extra dark? Psychologist Dr. Kristin Bianchi joins us today to share ways in which we can combat seasonal depression and make the most of our winter.