Chester Takes Care of Its Own

Chester Takes Care of Its Own

The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 1253

  • Mar 10, 2020 6:00 am
  • 57:59 mins
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Just as you don’t get to choose your family, you don’t always get to choose your neighbors. Sometimes this means that you meet someone who will help paint your house, someone you want to invite to dinner, or someone to share an interesting story with. Neighbors and communities often are the roots for the most interesting and heartwarming tales that we know. These stories are passed down through the community from generation to generation and are the birthplace of legends. They are used as a source of identity and can easily bring people together if we take the time to get to know them. On today’s episode, enjoy the following: Radio Family Journal: Aquarium  Daily Mix: Cielle Salazar discusses “American Scandal” Story Spotlight: “Story 5” by Catherine Conant in Timp 2017 (10:58) Storytime:  “Jack Moore Builds a House” by Donald Davis in That’s What Mama’s Do (7:17)  “The Magic Garden of the Poor” Jill Lamède in Stories from the Tintagel Storyteller (14:57)