Tattoo Taboo

Tattoo Taboo

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 28 , Segment 3

Time Off Work, Helping Kids Prepare for Their Future, Kids These Days, Halloween History

Episode: Time Off Work, Helping Kids Prepare for Their Future, Kids These Days, Halloween History

  • Oct 23, 2018 3:00 pm
  • 18:33 mins

According to a recent poll, almost half of all millennials now have tattoos. This body-art has long been associated with self-expression and independence, yet it also has connections with gang activity and crime. Kristin Broussard, from St. Louis University, conducted a study attempting to identify exactly what the stigmas are for people with tattoos, and how true those stereotypes actually are. Kristin Broussard is a graduate assistant at the Reinart Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning, and has researched stigma surrounding tattooed individuals.