Mueller Report,  Childproofing Car, Pyt, Flirting

Mueller Report, Childproofing Car, Pyt, Flirting

Top of Mind with Julie Rose

  • Mar 26, 2019 10:00 pm
  • 1:41:10 mins
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Mueller Says No Collusion Guest: Ryan Vogel, Director, Center for National Security Studies, Utah Valley University President Trump responded on the tarmac to the summary of Mueller’s released Sunday by the Attorney General.  For the last two years, Ryan Vogel has been helping us understand the nuances of the Mueller investigation Childproof Your Ride Guests: Amber Rollins, Director,; Whitney Rodden, Parent Advocate for Vehicle Safety Cars are the number one cause of death and injury for children in the United States. Traffic accidents account for many of these but what is surprising is how many tragedies occur when the car is simply parked or leaving a driveway. Parents are trained to think about child-proofing their homes with young kids around, but what about child-proofing your car? That’s the focus of a new campaign from the nonprofit Pyt -- Denmark's Happiness Vocabulary Guest: Marie Helweg-Larsen, Professor of Psychology, Dickinson College Denmark consistently ranks near the top in the World Happiness Report. The Danish concept of hygge -- which means intentional intimacy -- has caught on worldwide. Now there's another Danish concept catching on and it's called "pyt". Nobody is Good at Flirting Guest: Jeffrey Hall, Associate Professor of Communication Studies, Kansas University In a quick YouTube search, you’ll find hundreds of videos eager to teach you the art of flirting. Truth is, instructional videos may not be worth your time, or your teenager’s time, because the other person probably wouldn’t even know you were trying to flirt. Turns out, we’re all terrible at recognizing flirtation, and it’s even harder in the Me Too era. U.S. Pastor Arrested in Turkey now Released Guest: Kristina Arriaga de Bucholz, Commissioner, United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) From a human rights perspective, Turkey has been backsliding for several years. Thousands of academics, journalists, activists and professionals with ties to the US or Europe have been arrested on suspicion of plotting against the Turkish government. For two years, Turkey detained an American Pastor named Andrew Brunson before finally releasing him last fall. Brunson’s imprisonment drove the wedge even further between Turkey and the US –which are technically allies.  Spina Bifida Surgery on a Fetus Guest: Scott Adzick, Surgeon-in-Chief and C. Everett Koop Professor of Pediatric Surgery at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), Director of the Hospital’s Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment Spina bifida is a rare but devastating birth defect where the infant’s spinal cord is exposed. Surgeries to repair this problem immediately after birth can help, but by that time, irreversible damage has already occurred. If the operation could happen while the baby was still in the mother’s uterus, outcomes might be better. Employee Wellness Programs Guest: David Wood, Associate Professor in School of Accountancy BYU We have all these employee wellness challenges here at BYUradio and –HR will not be happy to see me admit this on the air, but it’s no surprise to them –I’m really not into it. Most employers have these nowadays –and often they come with great incentives to get you to participate. So, what kinds of incentives work best to get reluctant folks like me to play along?