Genuine Fakes, Calling Bull, Presidential Gardens, Casablanca

Genuine Fakes, Calling Bull, Presidential Gardens, Casablanca

Constant Wonder

  • Feb 17, 2020 7:00 pm
  • 1:41:01 mins
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(Originally Aired on Nov 18, 2019) How Phony Things Teach Us About Real Stuff Guest: Lydia Pyne, author, “Genuine Fakes: How Phony Things Teach Us About Real Stuff” The "Spanish Forger" was quite successful in his or her day, but now the work of the Spanish Forger is collectible for its own value. What we can learn from the success of forgeries.  (Originally Aired on Nov 18, 2019) Calling Bull Guests: Jevin West, Assistant Professor, Information, University of Washington; Carl Bergstrom, Professor, Biology, University of Washington  Two professors at the University of Washington are on a mission to teach their students, and themselves, how to distinguish truth from fiction online. They started a class together to do just that.  (Originally Aired on Jan 10, 2020) History Has Been Growing on Pennsylvania Avenue for a Long Time Guest: Marta McDowell, gardener and author, "All the Presidents' Gardens: Madison's Cabbages to Kennedy's Roses, How the White House Grounds Have Grown with America" The White House grounds have seen a lot of history--weddings, parties, and discussions with foreign leaders have all taken place there. The history of the grounds is as storied as the history of the house's inhabitants. (Originally Aired on Jan 10, 2020) Casablanca Guest: Harlan Lebo, author, "Casablanca: Behind the Scenes" How the story of Casablanca fit into the real world and why it has remained a classic film to this day.