Jambalaya Forty-Four
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 325
- Jun 24, 2015 6:00 am
- 56:24 mins
A delicious mix of stories, tales, and yarns. Stories included in this episode: Glenda Bonin Story: Buddy and the Bear Teller: Glenda Bonin Site: www.storyworksgroup.com Notes: Glenda and her grandfather have an adventure she won't forget. Willy Claflin Story: Rufus Blye and the Lobster Wife Teller: Willy Claflin Site: www.willyclaflin.com Notes: No lobsters were harmed in the making of this recording. Jenni Cargill-Strong Story: Never Give Up Teller: Jenni Cargill-Strong Site: www.storytree.com.au Notes: A funny little frog learns an important lesson. Kevin Carr Story: Paddy and the Pooka Teller: Kevin Carr Site: www.kevincarr.org Notes: Practice makes perfect. Anne Shimojima Story: Wave Teller: Anne Shimojima Site: www.anneshimojima.com Notes: A lesson in charity.