Prison Pell Grants

Prison Pell Grants

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 119 , Segment 1

Prison Pell Grants, Child Abuse Study, Happy Meal Effect

Episode: Prison Pell Grants, Child Abuse Study, Happy Meal Effect

  • Aug 13, 2015 9:00 pm
  • 21:04 mins

Guest: Robert Bozick, Ph.D., Sociologist at the Research and Development Corporation  The Obama Administration is moving to reverse a 20-year-old policy prohibiting prison inmates from receiving federal Pell Grants to pursue college degrees behind bars. Technically, such a change requires Congressional approval, so the US Department of Education is initially embarking only on a pilot program.  In announcing the plan, Education Secretary Arne Duncan called America “a nation of second chances.” He said helping inmates get a degree will reduce their chances of landing back in prison and ultimately save taxpayers money.