New Travel Ban, Breakfast Feast, Kaleidoscope, Jeopardy!
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 646
- Sep 25, 2017 6:00 am
- 1:37:21 mins
New Travel Ban and New Problems with North Korea Guest: Ryan Vogel, JD, PhD, Professor of International Law, Director of the Center for National Security Studies, Utah Valley University Last night, President Trump’s original travel ban on visitors from six Muslim-majority countries expired and he replaced it with a new ban that adds Chad, North Korea and Venezuela to the list. North Korea’s top diplomat, meanwhile, says his country now considers itself at war with the US and he blames President Trump for declaring it so on Twitter. Breakfast Feast Guest: Hana Kahleova, MD, Director of Clinical Research, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine The old adage that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” continues to get support from nutritional research that finds it’s even helpful for weight loss. But that doesn't mean you can eat a big breakfast, then eat a decent lunch and a good-sized dinner. But that’s not the point at all, according to new research. What Ever Happened to Home Ec Class? Guest: Natalie Hancock, President, Utah Association of Family and Consumer Sciences and Director, Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Brigham Young University Students in middle school and high school today are expected to study reading, writing and arithmetic, just like they always have, but on top of the core basics, they’re also encouraged to study computer coding and foreign language at earlier and earlier ages. Electives like art, music and home economics (now called family sciences) can get squeezed out. And when budgets need to be cut, it’s ironically classes like family sciences that teach students about personal finance, as well as cooking and sewing, that can be first on the chopping block. There's a lot to lose, though, by cutting family and consumer sciences. Giant Kaleidoscope Exhibit Guest: Aundrea Frahm, Contemporary Artist, “We Revolve Ceaseless” "We Revolve Ceaseless" recently opened at the Museum of Art here at BYU. It is a massive rotating triangular kaleidoscope with large mirr