Emily Golightly and Taylor Miranda
Highway 89 - Season 6, Episode 14
- Apr 4, 2016 6:00 am
- 55:14 mins
Emily Golightly and Taylor Miranda are two talented singer-songwriters that hail from Provo, UT. Taylor Miranda has been writing songs since she was 8 years old, and hasn’t stopped since. She has written hundreds of songs and has written and produced 3 CD’s including “Beyond Reason” and “Come What May,” with her brother Tanner Howe, along with her EP “Unafraid” all available on Itunes. In studio today she is joined by her brother Tanner and her father Kirk. Emily Golightly is a 25 year-old artist, bird-watcher, thrift-shopper, dog-lover, star-gazer, perpetual pilgrim, daughter, sister, and restless native of Earth... but based out of Provo. She is a regular performer at Provo's Velour Live Music Gallery and finds the majority of her musical inspiration in nature. Tonight in-studio they share original songs and funny stories with host Steven Kapp Perry. Songs featured: Little Bird, Hide and Seek, Lilies, Brown Penny - Emily Golightly; Mixed up with You, Chains, My Lady, Bills - Taylor Miranda, Tanner Howe, Kirk Howe; Follow Highway 89 on twitter: @byuh89 and on instagram: @byuh89