New Drone Rules
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 162 , Segment 1
New Drone Rules, London Theater, Retro VR, Therapy Dropouts
Episode: New Drone Rules, London Theater, Retro VR, Therapy Dropouts
- Oct 21, 2015 9:00 pm
- 15:38 mins
Guest: Tim McLain, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Professor of Mechanical Engineering at BYU Federal regulators this week announced plans to create a national registry of recreational drones. The move to make hobby drone-users register their vehicles is fueled by a rise in sightings and "close calls" between drones and airplanes, according to the Federal Aviation Administration. Small, easy-to-fly drones have become hugely popular. This year about 700,000 are expected to be sold in America - that's up more than 60 percent over last year's figures.