Voucher Programs Don't Help Test Scores
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 540 , Segment 3
Sanctuary City Ruling, Vouchers, NFL Stadiums and Taxes
Episode: Sanctuary City Ruling, Vouchers, NFL Stadiums and Taxes
- Apr 26, 2017 11:00 pm
- 13:54 mins
Guest: Martin Carnoy, PhD, Professor of Education, Stanford University, author of “Vouchers and Public School Performance” The school year is winding down, but principals are already busy assembling class lists for the fall. Students, and more particularly, parents, who are unhappy with their child’s school may be looking at other options. A range of choices has become the norm in many districts: charter schools, magnet schools and publicly-funded tuition vouchers might be available to help cover the cost of attending private school. US Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has pledged to make school choice – and vouchers, in particular - the norm nationwide, calling it the key to improving American education. But, a recent study published by the Economic Policy Institute finds vouchers are not a panacea for student performance.