Millennial Grip, Moms Doing More Work, Fixing a Bad Day

Millennial Grip, Moms Doing More Work, Fixing a Bad Day

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 51

  • Mar 2, 2017 5:00 pm
  • 2:33:36 mins

Millennial Grip (18:33) Dr. Richard W. Bohannon is a Professor of Health Professional Studies within the Department of Physical Therapy at Campbell University. Bohannon is a licensed physical therapist with more than 35 years of continuous clinical experience in acute care, rehabilitation, and home-care settings. Currently, Bohannon’s research and teaching is focused on the measurement, implications, and treatment of activity limitations in older adult and neurologic populations. The classic test of strength for a man is if he can open the jar in the kitchen that just won’t budge for anyone else. New research is showing that Grandpa may have been better at opening jars than Dad! In just one generation grip strength has decreased in Millennials by 20%! Dr. Richard Bohannon discusses this research and if we should be worried about this decline in grip strength. Dads Doing More, Moms Still Do More Work (1:05:35) Dr. Sarah Schoppe-Sullivan is a professor of Human Sciences and Psychology at The Ohio State University. She has taught and conducted research in the Human Development and Family Science program since 2003. If you turn on the TV on you’ll see a representation of dad’s that are absent or complete buffoons. Although research shows that men are more involved in parenting than ever before, women are still putting in more work. Dr. Sarah Schoppe-Sullivan explains. Caitlin Thomas - Cyber Bullying (1:29:26) In today’s world, nearly every person is signed up for some form of social media. Whether it’s Facebook, or Instagram, or snap chat most people have at least one. These are great tools that we can use to stay connected with people and make new friends, but on average, teens are spending up to 9 hours a day just surfing through these apps. This has led to a major increase in cyberbullying and other problems. What can we do about it? Well, Caitlin Thomas is here with us this morning to share with us some of the things that these social media companies are currently doing to try and make their sites a safer place for everyone.  Fixing a Bad Day (1:54:04) Amy Gallo is the author of the HBR Guide to Managing Conflict at Work, a how-to guidebook about handling conflict professionally and productively. She is a contributing editor at Harvard Business Review, where she writes and develops ideas for the web, magazine, and press. She covers a range of topics with a focus on managing conflict, managing yourself, leading people, and building your career. Amy Gallo helps us understand how we can overcome a bad day and avoid them in the future.