A History of Childhood Through Toys
Constant Wonder - Season 2022, Episode 628
- Aug 26, 2020 6:00 am
- 52:46 mins
The History of Childhood in 50 Historic Treasures Guest: Susan Fletcher, Director, History and Archives, The Navigators, and author, "Exploring the History of Childhood and Play Through Fifty Historic Treasures" Play-Doh, jump ropes, teddy bears, or Candyland—toys and games shed a light on that enterprise we call childhood. But the concept of childhood is actually a modern construct. And it's changed family life forever. Childhood used to be a dangerous time, but now parents spend lavishly to protect and nurture little ones. Our ancestors might puzzle indeed at our behavior. Child's Play Guest: Susan Linn, author, "Consuming Kids" Child's play is serious business for little minds. Adults should get out of their way.