Case File #15: The Case of the Missing Author
Quentin Manning: Detective for Justice - Season 1, Episode 15
- Aug 9, 2024 12:00 pm
- 20:31 mins
Quentin receives a long-awaited an answer from the author of his favorite detective series. But there's one last mystery for Quentin to solve: who is the true author of the Deke Benchley books? The Case of the Missing Author was written by Bill Harley and directed by Sam Payne. Cast: Ben Butters as Quentin Manning, Enoch Ellis as Sam Turnquist, Mia Bagley as Sydney Plumb, Will and Sam Smith as Jimmy and Timmy Bermick, Bill Harley as Phinneas Manning, Stephanie Breinholt as Gaia Manning, Kris Peterson as Gladiolus Plum, Liz Christensen as Ms. Zettibyte, Stephanie Rollheiser as Nana Anna, Lisa Valentine Clark as Gloria Dimwiddie, and Trent Reimschussel as Delivery Guy. The sound team was led by Trent Reimschussel and Cayson Renshaw, with editing, sound design, and mixing by Jim Cassler, Charles Clarke, Hannah Everitt, and Luke Gunnerson. Quentin Manning: Detective for Justice is a production of BYUradio.