Therapeutic Communities, Mudlarking, Sewer Guide

Therapeutic Communities, Mudlarking, Sewer Guide

Constant Wonder

  • Feb 13, 2020 7:00 pm
  • 1:41:13 mins
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Therapeutic Communities Guests: Mike Haws and Alan Fahringer, Directors, Red Barn Farms therapeutic community Drug addicts overwhelm America’s justice system. Therapeutic communities offer a unique solution to the drug crisis. They don't offer doctors or therapists, but, instead, community members help each other take responsibility for their lives and make hard changes. Unearthing History Along the River Thames Guest: Lara Maiklem, author, "Mudlark: In Search of London’s Past Along the River Thames" Most people see garbage on the side of a river and look the other way, but for "mudlarkers" along the River Thames, trash means history. Mudlarking is a tradition that began centuries ago with London’s poor. In search of food, lost coins, or other valuable material, they’d forage along the banks of the river at low tide. Today, it has a more nostalgic value. Mudlarker and author Lara Maiklem weighs in on this historic pastime. Step Down Into the Magnificently Designed Underworld of Sewers Guest: Stephen Halliday, author, "An Underground Guide to Sewers or: Down, Through and Out in Paris, London, New York, &c."  The story of a London engineer who developed a sewer system that ended the Great Stink and put a stop to cholera epidemics in London.