Homeless Shelters, Haunted Houses, Successful Job and Relationship, Care Packages, Paralympic Medalist, Halloween Candy

Homeless Shelters, Haunted Houses, Successful Job and Relationship, Care Packages, Paralympic Medalist, Halloween Candy

The Lisa Show

  • Oct 22, 2019 2:00 pm
  • 1:41:13 mins
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Homeless Shelters (0:00:00) When the weather gets cold, I barely want to leave my house for the time it takes to run to my car. It’s miserable. But can you imagine living every day without ever being able to run inside somewhere to keep you warm? Can you imagine wandering the streets with no food, no home, and no purpose? We pass people in these exact circumstances every day, not giving a second thought to what they actually might be going through. Well, we wanted an inside perspective and talked to one man who gave us first-hand details of what life is really like being homeless. As the weather gets colder we might notice more and more people in these types of situations. We have Brent Crane, the Director at a local homeless shelter joining us to help us know the best things we can do to help our homeless neighbors. Haunted House (0:12:51) The pumpkins are ripe, the leaves are falling, the nights are getting cooler...Tis the season...for haunted houses! Whether they’re your favorite Halloween pastime, or you avoid them like your life depends on it—the work that goes on behind the scenes is what’s really interesting about haunted attractions. So here to talk us through what goes into creating some pretty incredible haunts is Scott Simmons, creative director and co-owner of ScareHouse. Successful Relationships While Working (0:32:32)  Over 60% of couples in the U.S. are dual-career couples, and despite the advantages of both partners providing an income, many struggle with significant challenges. Balancing careers, juggling family commitments and achieving work and life aspirations being some of them. Jennifer Petriglieri, associate professor at INSEAD and anexperton the satisfaction and success of working couples, joins us today todiscuss how dual-career couples can truly have meaningful and supportive relationships by working through each person’s deeper psychological and social dynamics. Care Packages (0:50:37) Being apart from family is hard all year round, but when someone you love can’t spend the holidays with you it’s especially hard. Whether your kid is at college or a military family member is deployed, sending care packages can be a great way to feel connected to a loved one even if they are far away. But if you’ve never sent a care package before it can be hard to know where to start! Joanna Guldin has sent plenty of packages to her military husband while he was deployed, and she shares all her best ideas on her blog JoMyGosh.com. Today she joins us to help us create the best care packages possible. Paralympic Medalist (1:06:50) Imagine waking up one day and realizing that you’ve been in a coma for two months. You’d been hit by a truck and now you have to relearn everything. You’re given devastating diagnoses and there’s not a lot of hope. It’s frustrating, especially because you lived such an active life before. Ryan Boyle experienced just this at the age of nine. He rose above the odds and is now a two-time Paralympic cycling world champion. We thought his story was inspiring and wanted to hear more about how he has overcome the obstacles life has thrown at him. Halloween Candy  (1:23:19) While there are many treats to eat during this time of year, nothing says Halloween more like a pile of candy! This is the season where kids start putting together their costumes and preparing their plan of attack for getting the most candy during trick or treating as possible. But what candies should trick or treaters have their eye on? Jonny Greber has a candy review blog and a youtube channel called Candy Gurus. He’s with us to tell us everything we need to know about the best Halloween candy!