"The Upside" and Hollywood's Take on Disability
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 985 , Segment 6
Syria, Planetary Defense, Tiger Conflict, National Parks
Episode: Syria, Planetary Defense, Tiger Conflict, National Parks
- Jan 15, 2019 11:00 pm
- 23:03 mins
Guest: Kirsten Hawkes, ParentPreviews.com A dramedy about a quadriplegic billionaire and the ex-con he hires as his caregiver somehow managed to beat out the superhero film “Aquaman” in theaters over the weekend. In the movie, Kevin Hart plays a released felon having a hard time finding a job. Bryan Cranston plays the man he goes to work for. The film is an opportunity for us to talk about how disability is portrayed on the big screen with Kirsten Hawkes of Parent Previews.com.