Alzheimer Research, Tourism Security, Tracking with Spotify
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 4, Episode 151
- Jul 15, 2015 6:00 am
- 2:13:18 mins
Alzheimer Research (12:11) Dr. Keoni Kauwe, an Associate Professor of Biology and head of the Bioinformatics program at Brigham Young University- his research with Alzheimer's has helped lead to the discovery of a rare genetic mutation that increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Today he talks about the disease, recent research, and the importance of increasing awareness. Tourism Security Challenges (55:07) Dr. Peter Tarlow, an expert specializing in the impact of crime and terrorism on the tourism industry. Since 1990, Tarlow has been teaching courses on tourism, crime & terrorism to police forces and security and tourism professionals throughout the world. He is the author of "Event Risk Management and Safety". Today Dr. Peter Tarlow talks about the danger that terrorism poses for tourism Good in the World: Hailey Fort with Hailey’s Harvest (1:23:38) 9 year-old Hailey Fort saw a homeless man in her community and started thinking of ways to help. Through donations she bega...