Schizophrenia (originally aired on June 5, 2020)

Schizophrenia (originally aired on June 5, 2020)

Constant Wonder - Season 2022, Episode 603

  • Aug 10, 2020 6:00 am
  • 52:15 mins
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Inside the Mind of An American Family Guest: Robert Kolker, author, "Hidden Valley Road: Inside the Mind of an American Family" The Galvins seemed like the model American family. With twelve bright, good-looking children and two hard-working parents, they seemed to epitomize the baby-boomer generation. Things changed, however, when their oldest son started showing signs of schizophrenia. And then more sons were diagnosed with the disease. Their complex story, although deeply tragic, has improved our current understanding of schizophrenia and given us hope for the future.  Students with Schizophrenia Guest: Cecilia McGough, founder and Executive Director, Students with Schizophrenia Cecilia McGough was diagnosed with schizophrenia when she was in college, and now she leads a group to fight the stigma related to mental illness among students all around the United States.