![One Nation Undecided](https://assets.byub.org/images/83bad063-9578-4bcf-870d-10b05a1246f1/720x405.jpg)
One Nation Undecided
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 173 , Segment 3
Perfect Marriages, Emotional Media, One Nation Undecided
Episode: Perfect Marriages, Emotional Media, One Nation Undecided
- Jul 22, 2017 4:00 pm
- 29:53 mins
Professor Peter Schuck is a Professor of Law Emeritus at Yale University. Although the Pledge of Allegiance says that we are ‘One Nation Under God’ it seems that our country is more divided than ever. But what are the top 5 things that drive our country apart more than ever? In his book, One Nation Undecided: Clear Thinking about Five Hard Issues That Divide Us, Peter Schuck explores 5 things that drive Americans apart. What are the 5 issues that get us heated? Why are we so divided? Peter Shuck explains.