Trump Troubles, Be Kind to Yourself, First Impressions

Trump Troubles, Be Kind to Yourself, First Impressions

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 31

  • Feb 6, 2017 5:00 pm
  • 2:23:00 mins

Trump Immigration (17:23) Joe Cannon is our Washington Insider. Joe served as an assistant administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from 1983-1985. He was a candidate for the U.S. Senate in 1992 and served as the Chairman of the Utah Republican Party from 2002 to 2006. He was named editor of the Deseret Morning News on December 8, 2006. Joe currently is the CEO of Fuel Freedom Foundation.  Joe and Dr. Townsend discuss how our President has interacted with Australia, Mexico, Iran, Israel and his ongoing issues with the Immigration executive order. Townsend Movie - Kool-Aid Assault (59:15) A 73-year-old woman who apparently threw a bucket of cherry Kool-Aid on a man 13 years her senior narrowly avoided a trip to jail, according to a report. The 86-year-old man identified as the victim told Sheriff’s deputies Jan. 12 that he and an 80-year-old friend were walking their dogs. The victim said the 73-year-old woman started yelling at him for smiling at her. He said the 73-year-old woman got a bucket “and threw red water on him.” The victim said he didn’t want to press charges and wanted her to stay away. She told a deputy that the victim and his friend “smiled at her and she knows that they did it in a malicious manner.”  Being Kind to Yourself (1:02:14) Dr. Kristin Neff is an associate professor at the University of Texas at Austin's department of educational psychology. Dr.Neff is widely recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on self-compassion, being the first one to operationally define and measure the construct over a decade ago. It’s over a month into 2017. Whatever your New Year’s Resolution is, you’ve probably made a mistake and fallen short of your goal in some form or another. Failure is a universal part of humanity but how do we react to our failures? Dr. Kristin Neff says that hopefully, we’ll treat ourselves kindly. Makena Bauss - Run. Eat. Run (1:29:22) Exercise and nutrition are very important to overall health. But what if while you run you eat doughnuts or pizza. Producer Makena Bauss shares a trend of running marathons and eating. First Impressions Have A Lasting Impact On Relationships (1:51:34) Dr. Vivian Zayas is an associate professor and the director of undergraduate studies in the department of psychology at Cornell University. You always hear people say to be careful not to judge others.  But judging others is actually an innate part of us. When we first meet someone our brains automatically start making judgments about them based on anything we see or gather about them in the first seven seconds.  But could the first seven seconds with someone actually determine the rest of your relationship with them?  Dr. Vivian Zayas discuss her research on the impact of first impressions on relationships.