A Dictionary Where All the Definitions are Limericks

A Dictionary Where All the Definitions are Limericks

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 729 , Segment 5

Medical Marijuana, How Self-Control Works, The Limerick Dictionary, Violinist Hilary Hahn

Episode: Medical Marijuana, How Self-Control Works, The Limerick Dictionary, Violinist Hilary Hahn

  • Jan 19, 2018
  • 8:27 mins

Guest: Chris. J. Strolin, Creator of the Omnificent English Dictionary in Limerick form, www.oedilf.com There are people who love to read the dictionary.  But for most of us, the dictionary would be a lot more interesting reading if all the word definitions were in the form of limericks. And this dictionary – we recently learned – actually exists. It's called "The Omnificent English Dictionary in Limerick Form." It's a website - a little tongue-in-cheek, to be sure. But it's got nearly 100,000 limerick definitions of words.