Louisiana Floods, Exhaustion, Kids and School
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 210
- Sep 1, 2016 6:00 am
- 2:23:51 mins
Louisiana Floods (16:53) Dr. Craig E. Colten is currently a professor at Louisiana State University. Dr. Colten studies the geography of hazards and focuses on the range of urban flood hazards as well as community resilience. The damages in Louisiana have been all over the news after a storm dropped two feet of rain on the local residents. This amount of precipitation was heavy and certainly a rare event. Professor Colten has spent some time studying this disaster and is here to speak with us today about how the suburban sprawl and poor preparation worsened the flood damage in Louisiana. History of Exhaustion (1:04:30) Dr Anna Katharina Schaffner is a Reader in Comparative Literature and Medical Humanities at the University of Kent in England. Her current research interests are situated in the fields of the medical humanities, cultural history, the history of psychiatry and psychoanalysis, and mind-body theory. Her book, Exhaustion: A History charts the forgotten history of exha...