Redefining Possible

Redefining Possible

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 635 , Segment 4

2020 Movies and Retirement Planning

Episode: 2020 Movies and Retirement Planning

  • Jan 15, 2021 2:00 pm
  • 16:43 mins

It’s the first month of a new year which means you’ve likely heard the phrase “new year, new me” at least once in the past few days. Maybe you’ve even said it yourself! But how many times are we going to say “new year, new me” before we actually commit to making meaningful changes in our lives? Well, our next guest has advice for how we can make changes by creating a vision board for 2021. Ron Alford is a Senior Partner at Southwest Coaching the co-author of the new book “Redefining Possible: Proven Strategies to Break Belief Barriers and Create Your New Normal.”